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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 3 - YouTube, Podcasting and Overdrive

I am a bit of a YouTube novice. Well, let's face it, the site gets a lot of bad press when it comes to schoolyard bullying and copyright issues. But like everything else on the internet, it's not what it is, it's what it's used for that makes the difference. This is a video I found through a Doctor Who discussion forum. Many early Doctor Who episodes were destroyed but the soundtrack survives. This is how one fan recreated a trailer for an episode called The Web of Fear. I think it is amazing how realistic the animation is!

I checked out Podcast Alley and found some more amateur Doctor Who efforts!
Overdrive is one of the databases that members of Logan Libraries can access. It is really a mini-library of ebooks and emedia. First you need to download the software, then you can view or listen to the media on your computer or on your iPod or MP3 player. Like any other library, there are loan limits and set lending periods. I will have to install this on my computer, because I like listening to stories when I am doing other things like housework.